What Are the Prices?

I want each piece that I make to be viewed in the context of a well crafted object of art.   Picasso famously remarked that a work of art is not complete until it is purchased.   I though it would be helpful if I offered prices with some of the pieces that I have been developing, since last May, for the Bayou City Art Festival



40mm Austrian Crystal ball will throw hundreds of rainbows. 40 mm is about the size of a cue ball.

$28 with tapered scroll.  

$28 with tapered scroll.  

Clean crystal and window with Windex or Glass Plus for best results.  I snapped this 20mm octagon on account of the next two images.

Rainbow pattern here is 4 inches across

Rainbow pattern here is 4 inches across

Please forgive rudimentary techniques employed in painting of bio-engineered Agave Parking Lot Illuminator

Please forgive rudimentary techniques employed in painting of bio-engineered Agave Parking Lot Illuminator

A Single 20mm octagon, smaller than a nickel, larger than a dime, makes all these rainbows.  This is important to understand when looking at mobiles displayed elsewhere.

$28 Moon Lander

$28 Moon Lander

This is one of a collection of three variations priced in the $24-$28 range.  The 16mm octagon will throw rainbows about 8-10 feet.  We saw the 20mm octagon in action above.  The ball throwns hundreds of rainbows.

$24 16mm Arora Borealis Crystals

$24 16mm Arora Borealis Crystals

I do not just favor the Aurora Borealis glaze on the crystals because I grew up on Aurora Street in the Sunset Heights addition of Houston.



On the right day, either piece is utterly dazzling, the bigger the crystal, the bigger the rainbow.  The mobile on the right, $28, has the 20mm octagon featured in the rainbow samples above.  

$95 with Sterling Chain

$95 with Sterling Chain

I pulled one of these stunning cut amethyst specimens from my collection for the Bayou City Arts Fair. .   



The interior is flame painted.  The exterior is hand polished, showing two aspects of the bronze.  

Bronze reflects interior chasing

Bronze reflects interior chasing

As I have mentioned in another blog entry,  if a bowl is all you are interested in--and I understand this--they can be had from Goodwill for as little a $3.  The $95 price tag does not reflect the full cost of this piece. I have always wanted to make vessels.  The only way to do it is to do it.  It takes about 100 to achieve the level to which I aim.  In the meantime, this one is signed and cool and someone may appreciate it.  I gave one to a family member who would appreciate it last year

$98 with Sterling Chain

$98 with Sterling Chain

Chased Argentium Silver on Copper.  Half the things I made in August look like hurricanes.  Why?

$48 with chain

$48 with chain

Copper, trying out new chasing tools



Herkimer diamond is a quartz found almost exclusively in a single vein in Herkimer New York.  This one is wrapped in Argentium Silver.

$65 - Argentium

$65 - Argentium

I have a lot of spiral-themed work.



Chase and Repoussé.  40mm Aurora Borealis Crystal will throw rainbows 50 feet from the window,  makes big rainbows.



This is ruby glass under a chased copper pendant, on a 14kt gold filled chain.


$65 on chain

$65 on chain

Chase and repousse, Argentium-copper-argentium on sterling chain, a cubist work. 



Hammer forged leaves, alcohol ink color, 40mm Octagon

$65 with chain

$65 with chain

A free-hand chased scenarios, a bit like plain air painting, a bit abstract expressionism.

$65 - Rubelite Tourmaline wrapped in Argentium

$65 - Rubelite Tourmaline wrapped in Argentium

This is a rare and valuable stone, priced with chain.